from as little as £99

We've made it simple, affordable and convenient.

Our Self-Service pricing reflects our online will-writing platform. Complete, purchase, and download your will in as little as 10 minutes.

Self Service

For those who feel confident enough to create their will independently
  • Get started, take a break and come back when you want

  • Download and print your will

  • Guidance notes provided to make sure your will is signed and witnessed correctly

  • Make changes to your will for free for a limited time

Single Will - £99
Mirror Will - £159
Most popular

Storage Service

Your will is securely stored and registered for easy access
  • Get started, take a break and come back when you want

  • Lifetime document storage

  • National Will Registration, so that it can be found easily after your death

  • Download and print your will

  • Guidance notes provided to make sure your will is signed and witnessed correctly

  • Make changes to your will for free for a limited time

Single Will - £159
Mirror Will - £199

Review Service

Your answers checked by our specialists for peace of mind
  • Get started, take a break and come back when you want

  • Lifetime document storage

  • National Will Registration, so that it can be found easily after your death

  • Have your will checked by our specialists

  • Download and print your will

  • Guidance notes provided to make sure your will is signed and witnessed correctly

  • Make changes to your will for free for a limited time

Single Will - £199
Mirror Will - £229